Wat is Google Resinsjes? Oer Google Customer Reviews 2024


Wat is Google resinsje? As the digital landscape continues to rapidly transform, harnessing the power of Google Reviews has become an essential part of any business’s prosperity.

Follow along to discover effective strategies to increase your Google Reviews.

Lês mear: Keapje resinsjes foar Google | 100% goedkeap en feilich

Brûk it potensjeel fan geunstige feedback om jo bedriuwsgroei no te fersterkjen! Krij autentike Google-resinsjes fan ús betroubere platfoarm by AudienceGain en tsjûge dat jo reputaasje bloeie.

What is Google reviews?

Google Customer Reviews is a program that allows you to rate your purchase experience with our partners who participate in the program. The rating that you give in your review can help other shoppers make an informed decision to purchase.

If you opt-in to receiving a survey from Google Customer Reviews, Google will email you a few days after your order has been delivered. It’s important that you provide a review after your order has been delivered so that you can review your entire shopping experience.

Google will not send any other emails as a result of you opting in. The email contains a one-minute survey that looks like this:

What Is Google Reviews

Google-resinsjes (algemien bekend as "Google Myn Bedriuw") binne brûkers-generearre resinsjes en opmerkings oer bedriuwen en tsjinsten publisearre op it Google-platfoarm.

Mei dizze resinsjes kinne klanten har mieningen en ûnderfiningen diele mei in spesifyk bedriuw, lykas in restaurant, hotel, winkel of tsjinstferliener, foar it foardiel fan oare klanten. oare produkten, oare potinsjele produkten.

What Is Google Reviews

Google-resinsjes beynfloedzje klantbeslissingen in protte

Information collected by Google Customer Reviews

To make sure Google sends you the survey at the right time, Google Customer Reviews receives the following information about your order after you opt-in:

Data Beskriuwing
Bestelnûmer This ID is the unique order number for your purchase. Google uses it to connect your review with your order.
Dyn email This email address is the one you provided when you opted-in to Google Customer Reviews at the completion of your purchase. The Google Customer Reviews survey will be sent to this address.
Google Account information If you’re logged in to a Google Account when opting-in, your Google Account information and associated identity.
Lân The country name identifies where your order will be delivered.
Order delivery date The order delivery date is the date the retailer expects your order will be delivered. Google Customer Reviews sends you a survey after your order has been delivered.
GTIN GTIN is the Global Trade Item Number for products included in your order. This will identify which product the review data refers to.

How does Google Reviews Work?

Google resinsjes wurkje suksesfolle digitale marketingtaktiken om te riden Google's lokale SEO algoritme. As gefolch binne bedriuwen mei in protte resinsjes earder wierskynlik earst te ferskinen yn lokale sykopdrachten foar in spesifyk merkkaaiwurd. En, lykas earder oanjûn, sil de kombinaasje fan 'e gemiddelde wurdearring, oantal beoardielingen, en tichtby de brûker nei alle gedachten de posysje fan in fermelding definiearje yn Google Maps.

As gefolch, it hawwen fan in goed optimalisearre Google My Business-profyl en Google-resinsjes ferbetterje jo lokale ranglist op Search en Maps.

As jo ​​wolle dat jo bedriuw opfalt yn Maps of Google Search, moatte jo in proses ynstelle foar it sammeljen, behearen en reagearjen op Google Resinsjes.

Jo kinne ek like: Wêrom is myn Google-resinsje ferdwûn? 24 Algemiene redenen

Difference Between Google Reviews and Google Ratings

Following are some of the key differences between Google Reviews and Ratings that a business must understand.

Google Oersjoch Google Ratings
Google allows a customer to rate a business without adding a review. Google ratings are numerical scores that a customer can give to a business. The score is given between 1 and 5 with 1 being the least and 5 being the highest.
Google Review is defined as detailed feedback from the customer that includes their experience using the services of a brand. It is the 6th highest factor affecting the Local SEO of a business as per SEO experts.
With every 10 new reviews earned on Google, the overall conversion on the business increases by 2.8%. With an increase of 1 full star in Google star rating, the conversion on the business increases by 44%.
When a business timely responds to 75% of their customer reviews, there is an increase in conversion by 12.3%. The business does not have an option of responding only to Google ratings.
Google does not allow a customer to leave a review without rating a business. Google allows a customer to rate a business without adding review.


What Is Google Reviews What Is Google Reviews
Google Rating Google Oersjoch

7 reasons Google reviews are so important

Om folslein te begripen "wat is in Google-resinsje?", begryp de belang fan Google is in topprioriteit.

✅ Fyn jo bedriuw op Google: Yn feite, 86% fan de konsuminten lêze resinsjes as se nedich in wurk dien of in tsjinst.

Google-resinsjes ferbetterje jo lokale sykranglist: As teken fan leauwensweardigens helpe se út 'e mannichte te stean, hawwe in foardiel oer konkurrinten, en kinne helpe by it bouwen fan fertrouwen mei potensjele klanten, wat liedt ta mear ferkeap en mear konversaasjes.

Klanten hawwe de neiging om resinte resinsje te sjens:

  • Tsjinst wurdt ynteressearre troch in protte minsken
  • Fersekerje klanten dat oaren aktyf brûke en súkses hawwe mei it produkt of tsjinst.

Jo bedriuw hoecht gjin 5-stjerren te wurden op Google: In protte klanten sille earst jo meast resinte resinsjes sjen

It oantal goede resinsjes hat ynfloed op de reputaasje fan jo bedriuw: Goede resinsjes kinne helpe om ferkeap te stimulearjen, klantloyaliteit te ferheegjen en nije klanten oan te lûken. Oan 'e oare kant kinne minne resinsjes liede ta fermindere ferkeap en ûntefredenens fan klanten. Mar alle goede resinsjes sille meitsje klanten fertocht.

Klanten wolle altyd earlike resinsjes sjen:

  • As jo ​​​​Google-resinsjes freegje, sykje dan nei dyjingen dy't ree binne om de tiid te nimmen en wierheid te wêzen. Koarte, ûnpersoanlike beoardielingen fertelle potensjele klanten net in bytsje oer jo bedriuw. Se kinne sels soms falsk ferskine keapje Google resinsjes
  • As bêste praktyk biede jo klanten begelieding as in sjabloan. Dit makket it makliker foar klanten om resinsjes te litten, wylst se ek kwaliteit garandearje (mear oer hjirûnder).

Klanten sille de toan en emoasje lêze fan hjoeddeistige resinsjes fan jo bedriuw:

  • De stjerrenwurdearring, oantal beoardielingen, lingte en resinsje binne allegear wichtige faktoaren foar de evaluaasje fan Google.
  • Google kin gjin sentimint brûke om jo te rangearjen yn lokale sykopdrachten en kaarten, mar klanten dogge dat wis. Dit is relatearre oan it krijen fan earlikere resinsjes fan hege kwaliteit.
What Is Google Reviews

Klanten wolle altyd earlike resinsjes sjen

Where do Google reviews appear?

Google-resinsjes wurde werjûn op jo Google My Business-profyl. It rangsysteem fan Google kin se dan ophelje en werjaan om te begripen "wat binne Google-resinsjes".

Google lokale sykresultaten

As immen siket nei in navigaasjekaaiwurd, bygelyks: "bêste pizza by my", as jo yn it "pizza" bedriuw binne en de potinsjele klant is tichtby jo lokaasje, sil Google jo bedriuwslist sjen litte.

What Is Google Reviews

Google lokale sykresultaten

Google Maps

Fierder, as immen siket nei jo bedriuwsnamme, kin it ferskine yn 'e Google Maps-seksje fan' e Google-sykresultaten of direkt yn 'e Google Maps-app.

What Is Google Reviews

Google Kaart

Jo kinne ek like: Hoe kinne jo Google Review wiskje Op: kompjûter, Android, IOS

4 Step to get more reviews on Google

Hooplik realisearje jo no it belang fan it sammeljen fan mear Google-resinsjes, mar jo freegje jo miskien ôf hoe't jo kinne begjinne. Hjirûnder is in stap foar stap proses foar it ynstellen fan jo Google Business Profile en it optimalisearjen fan it om online resinsjes te sammeljen.

Step 1: Claim business ownership

De earste stap is om jo Google-bedriuwslisting opeaskje, wêrtroch jo it kinne bywurkje mei krekte ynformaasje en it apart fan 'e konkurrinsje. Dit wurdt berikt troch it brûken fan Google Business Profile.

What Is Google Reviews

Claim bedriuw eigendom

Step 2: Make your list look good and stand out

Once you can update your listing, make an effort to make it appealing and full of relevant information that will entice searchers to click on your listing.

Because Google reviews help your listing stand out and bring real customer feelings to the forefront, you should do the following at the very least:

  • Omfetsje relevante ynformaasje oer jo bedriuw: By it meitsjen fan jo bedriuwsbeskriuwing, befetsje alle ynformaasje dy't klanten nuttich kinne fine. Jo kinne kaaiwurden hawwe, mar brûk dit net as in kâns om trefwurden yn te foljen. Google beskôget dizze spam faak, en jo lokale sykranglist kin lije.
  • Aktuele wurktiden opnimme: Klant sil it bedriuw fine op google. As gefolch, as d'r in feroaring is yn jo wurktiden, moatte jo de tiid nimme om se te aktualisearjen. It is ek kritysk om fariaasjes op te nimmen, lykas as jo bepaalde fakânsje oeren hawwe.
  • Upload foto's yn hege resolúsje: In protte bedriuwen moatte mear foto's uploade om har fermelding te ûnderskieden fan 'e konkurrinsje. Ofbyldings op jo Google Business Profile helpe om in fisueel ferhaal te fertellen oer hoe't it is om saken mei jo te dwaan en sille jo helpe om mear ynteraksjes te krijen mei online sykjen. Neffens Google krije advertinsjes mei foto's 42% mear oanfragen foar rydrjochtingen fan Google Maps en 35% mear klikken troch nei in bedriuwswebside.
What Is Google Reviews

Meitsje jo list der goed út en stean út

Step 3: Use a good online review management platform

Sadree't jo bedriuwsfermelding is opeaske en optimalisearre, is it tiid om Google-resinsjes te sammeljen, wat jo net passyf hoege te dwaan. Jo moatte in gearwurkjende poging dwaan om Google-resinsjes fan jo klanten te freegjen.

Om dingen makliker te meitsjen foar jo klanten, moatte jo it proses sa ienfâldich mooglik meitsje. Dit kin berikt wurde troch it ymplementearjen fan in online beoardielingsbehearplatfoarm dat it útnoegingsproses streamlines en it absurd ienfâldich makket foar jo meiwurkers om klanten út te noegjen en foar klanten om resinsjes te litten.

Step 4: Get more reviews on Google

It ymplementearjen fan in online beoardielingsbehearplatfoarm is in goed plak om te begjinnen, mar as jo wirklik wolle sjen dat de online beoardielingen binnenkomme, beskôgje dan it folgjende:

  • Bepale de bêste tiid om de útnoeging te stjoeren: Yn ús ûnderfining is de bêste tiid om in resinsje te freegjen yn in skoft yn it ferkeapproses. Yn 'e auto-yndustry kin in goede tiid wêze nei't de ferkeap is foltôge en de klant wachtet yn finânsjes. Om't jo klant dêr al sit, wêrom freegje se dan net om in resinsje te litten en se troch it proses te gean?
  • Stel de ferwachtings fan 'e resinsje fêst: Nei't jo de bêste tiid hawwe bepaald om de klant út te noegjen, kinne jo begjinne ferwachtings te stellen foar wat jo ferwachtsje dat se sille dwaan. By it ynstellen fan ferwachtingen, ynformearje de klant oer it folgjende:
    • Wêrom binne online beoardielingen wichtich foar jo bedriuw?
    • Hoe se de útnoeging sille ûntfange (tekst as e-post)
    • Wannear krije se de útnoeging?
  • Fuortsmite alle obstakels: Klanten binne mear kâns te ferlitte resinsjes as it is makliker foar harren om te dwaan. Dêrom moatte jo it sa ienfâldich mooglik meitsje, en as jo al in online beoardielingsbehearplatfoarm hawwe ymplementearre, binne jo op it goede spoar.
What Is Google Reviews

Krij mear resinsjes op Google

Use best practices to get Google reviews

You can request reviews from customers by sharing a URL specific to your business.

You can encourage your customers to spread the word about your business through Google reviews with these best practices:

Tip: Your customers don’t need a Gmail address to leave a review if they sign in to their Google Account.

  • Verify your Business Profile: This makes your business information show up on Maps, Search, and other Google services. To respond to a review, you must have a verified business.
  • Remind customers to leave reviews: Let them know it’s quick and easy to leave reviews. Business owners shouldn’t offer incentives to customers to leave reviews. You can also get customers to leave reviews if you create and share a link.
  • Reply to reviews to build customer trust: Your customers will notice your business values their input if you read and reply to their reviews.
  • Value all reviews: Reviews are useful for potential customers when they’re honest and objective. Customers find a mix of positive and negative reviews more trustworthy. You can always respond to a review to show the customers that you care and provide additional context. If the review doesn’t follow our posting guidelines, you can request its removal.

Respond To Retain: How to Respond to Reviews

Be it positive, negative, or neutral, a brand must respond to all the reviews posted online. Prompt response to reviews is appreciated by the users as they feel acknowledged. Google also appreciates responding to reviews as it motivates customers to add more reviews.

Engaging with users through responses helps strengthen their relationship with them. This eventually results in making them loyal customers.

Responding to negative reviews creates an impression that the brand is committed to getting better and takes the feedback seriously.

There is a certain way one should respond to reviews according to their nature. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Responding to Positive Google Reviews

Way to responding to Positive Google Reviews:

  • Erkenne en wurdearje: It takes some effort for a user to take their time and appreciate a brand in their review. Hence, first and foremost they must be thanked for doing the same.
  • Identify Specific Praises: Highlighting specific praises in response makes an impression that you read and understood the whole review. This creates a good impression and makes the customer leave more reviews in the future.
  • Personalized Response: A brand should never display the same response to every positive review. A personalized response to each review makes the customer feel special and adds to your online reputation.
  • Showcase Brand’s Personality: A brand must let its personality shine while responding to positive responses. For example: The response can be witty if the brand theme is humor and friendliness.
  • No Over Promotion: A customer is already impressed with the brand services, so responding to their review with brand promotion is not a good idea. This indicates that the review shared was not read properly and the brand only focused on publicity.
  • Focus on Follow-Up Comments: Responding once to a review is not enough. A brand must take care if the user has responded to the brand’s response. Responding to follow-up comments on a positive review increases customer engagement.

Responding to Negative Google Reviews

Way to responding to Negative Google Reviews:

  • Erkenne en wurdearje: Even if the review left is negative, a brand must thank the user for taking out time and adding feedback. A well-crafted response to negative reviews with appreciation to the customer makes a customer feel heard.
  • Professional tone: Being defensive while responding to a negative review is the worst thing a brand can do in such cases. Maintaining calm and professional tone while responding to a negative review creates a good impression for the other users reading the reviews.
  • Empathize and Apologize: The brand must understand the concern of the reviewer and should apologize for the experience they had. Empathizing with the user also makes the user feel acknowledged.
  • Addressing the Concern: The brand’s response must show that they have completely understood the user’s concern. Relevant resolution should be added to the response if possible. This makes a good impression on the reviewer as the brand tried to resolve their issue promptly.
  • Improvement Assurance: While responding to a negative comment, it’s very important to assure the reviewer that they won’t have a bad experience in the future. This reduces the chances of the user to disassociate themselves with the brand.

Responding to Netural Google Reviews

There are times when the review left by the customer is detailed but not on the positive or negative side. It generally contains just the overall experience the customer had as it is. These reviews are generally rated with 3 stars.

Here’s how brands must respond to these reviews.

  • Highlight the praise: If the reviewer mentioned a positive aspect of their experience, the brand must highlight it in response. This makes the praise more visible to other readers and reviewers as well.
  • Commit to Improvement: If the user has mentioned a negative aspect of their experience, the brand must apologize and assure improvement while responding.
  • Erkenne en wurdearje: The time reviewer took to add their response must be appreciated in the response. This makes the user want to visit the place again and add more reviews.
  • Invite Returns and More Feedback: While responding to a neutral review, a firm must ask the reviewer to come back. This increases customer retention and might make them a regular one. Asking for more feedback in the future after acknowledging the one they gave, makes the customer feel important making them want to return.

FAQs about Google review

Wy hawwe in list gearstald mei de meast stelde Google-beoardielingsfragen. It folgjende is in list:

How to get customers to leave reviews on Google?

D'r binne in pear metoaden om klanten Google-resinsjes te litten, mar de ienfâldichste is om:

  • Meitsje gebrûk fan in e-postkampanje.
  • Stjoer nei in oankeap in e-post nei jo klanten en freegje har om in resinsje te litten op jo Google Business-side.
  • Jo kinne sels in keppeling nei de resinsjeside yn 'e e-post opnimme, sadat se ien fluch kinne litte.

How do Google reviews affect CTR in search results?

As immen siket nei in bedriuw op Google, wurde se presintearre mei in list mei resultaten. Neffens it meast resinte Zero Limit Webûndersyk krije de top fiif SERP-resultaten 67.60% fan totale klikken.

Bedriuwen mei hegere algemiene wurdearrings ferskine heger op 'e list. As resultaat makket it hawwen fan in bettere posysje jo sichtberer foar brûkers. In goede wurdearring makket jo ek mear betrouber. As dit alles wurdt beskôge, is de kâns dat brûkers op jo bedriuw klikke frij heech.

How to reply to Google reviews?

Typysk krije jo in e-post dy't jo ynformearret dat jo in nije resinsje krigen hawwe. As jo ​​op 'e antwurd-keppeling klikke, wurde jo nei jo Google My Business-profyl brocht, wêr't jo jo antwurd direkt kinne ynfiere:

De meast effektive manier om te reagearjen op Google-resinsjes is om:

  • Betankje de resinsint foar har feedback
  • Ferûntskuldigje as se in negative ûnderfining hiene
  • Biede om te helpen as se it nedich binne

What do I need to do to get more 5 star reviews on Google?

De bêste manier om 5-stjerren Google-resinsjes te krijen is om klanten te freegjen dy't tefreden binne oer jo produkt of tsjinst om in resinsje te litten.

Can I Delete or Edit Google Reviews?

A person who has added a review is the only one who can edit and delete their review following the below steps.

  • Google Maps iepenje.
  • Click Menu at the top left corner.
  • Select Your contributions and click on Reviews.
  • Look for the review you want to edit or delete click on “More” next to it.
  • Select Edit review or Delete review and follow the on-screen steps

Google does not allow a business to edit or delete reviews posted by their customers. However, it does allow them to flag reviews if they are offensive or inappropriate.

Google review team analyzes the review after it is flagged, and deletes it if they are found violating the guidelines. Hence, a brand must ensure that they use the option to flag a review responsibly. A review must only be reported if it violates the review policies.

How Many Google Reviews Does My Business Need?

There are multiple factors that come into play while deciding the good enough number of reviews for a business. These factors involve industry, location, and competition. A company must aim for at least 10 reviews on its business profile.

Having a good number of reviews gives a new customer enough information about the business.

This helps them in making an informed decision whether to choose the concerned business or not.

The number of reviews also depends on how old the business is. A new review must aim to get 5 reviews as soon as possible to establish their credibility.

An already established business must have at least 20 reviews to maintain a good reputation in the market.

All My Reviews Are 5 Stars. Why?

It is always a positive sign if all your reviews are 5 stars. If all the reviews on your business are legitimate and having a 5-star rating, this says a lot of positive things about your services.

There are multiple reasons why all your reviews are 5 stars including excellent customer services, high-quality services, or product.

However, it is very rare for an established business to have all 5-star reviews. Therefore if your business has all 5 stars, it’s most probably because it is new or the sample size of customers reviewing the business is small.


If understood correctly, Google Reviews can be beneficial for a business in more ways than one.

Now that you have gone through this Google Review guide, you understand the do’s and don’t of Google Reviews better.

Harness the power of Local SEO and customer engagement by responding appropriately to the reviews posted by customers.

De fraach "Wat is Google resinsje?” has been answered. Although we have researched quite carefully, nothing is 100% certain because there will be exceptions.

However, with the above information, AudienceGain hoopje dat jo mei fertrouwen Google-resinsjes profesjoneel kinne brûke.

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