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Benefits of buying TikTok Account

Date of registered: 2022-2023

✅Followers: 10K – 25K and views 1M – 10M Views

✅ Followers Quality: Followers are real and from people who liked the published videos.

✅ Niche: Entertainment, Vlog, etc. The account’s niche is changeable. TikTok will automatically lead your video to your new target audience after uploading new videos. So it doesn’t matter to choose an account with a specific topic.
Account Quality: Non-Copyright, Strikes or Violation.

✅ Content Language: Random

✅ Guarantee: The account doesn’t cause a “0 Views” problem (If the videos are original and the user’s IP isn’t on the blacklist of TikTok.).

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  • Eligible to make money instantly.
  • Channel quality and uniqueness are guaranteed.
  • No copyright claim or community strikes.
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  • Support in re-designing 1 logo & 1 banner for free.

Creator fund TikTok account provides an opportunity to increase earnings while stimulating creator efforts. Besides, it also helps to promote the connection between creators and the community. To learn more, read the following AG content.

1. What is the creator fund TikTok account?

The creator fund TikTok account is a means of “earning a livelihood” and developing relationships with the target audience, the account is rewarded from the Tiktok Creator Fund based on views and engagement with the audience videos, focusing on videos with non-advertising, genuine, natural content.

2. What is the purpose of the TikTok creator fund requirements?

The purpose of the creator fund TikTok request is to encourage inspired creators to create more compelling new content, leverage the exploitation of influencers on the platform to generate profits, and build relationships between creators and video viewers. All of this is in service of TikTok’s growing ambition to want more and more people to creator fund TikTok accounts to bring in revenue for them.

>>> Read more: Buy Verified Badge TikTok Account [Tips Fastest 2023]

3. Creator fund TikTok how much money pay?

Creator fund TikTok payment around $0.02-$0.04 for 1,000 views/1 video, which is $20-$40 for 1,000,000 views/1 video. As you can see, more and more creator fund TikTok accounts are making a lot of money since the creation of TikTok Creator Fund 2020. Even accounts with only 1 million followers have earned an average $50/day.

The following is a TikTok creator fund list of accounts influential in the world: 

  • Nano Influencers (1K – 9K followers): $1105 per sponsored post
  • Micro Influencers (10K – 49K followers): $1600 per sponsored post
  • Mid-tier Influencers (50K – 199K followers): $3500 per sponsored post
  • Macro Influencers (200K – 499K followers): $5K per sponsored post
  • Mega Influencers (500K – 999K followers): $5.5K per sponsored post
  • Web Celebrities (1M+ followers): $5.8K per sponsored post

4. Who can join the creator fund TikTok?

Tiktok creator fund how to apply, you need to meet the following requirements to ensure TikTok creator fund eligibility:

  • Your TikTok Creator Fund account needs to have at least 10,000 followers. 
  • Incredibly, within 30 days, you need a video that reaches 100,000 views. 
  • Enough 18 years old.
  • The TikTok Creator Fund account must ensure community rules, not psychologically affecting viewers’ tweed community rules.
  • Content is not copied.

Although the requirements for the TikTok Creator Fund are very strict, when participating, channel owners will have great opportunities to expand relationships with brands and bring expected profits. Besides, the TikTok creative fund explained the case where TikTok accounts often receive rewards when videos reach at least 1000 views. Proof of the increasing hits/TikTok creator fund views on search engines like Google, Youtube,… 

5. Pros and cons of the TikTok creator fund

To consider whether to join the TikTok Creator Fund, you need to understand the pros and cons of this type of fund:

  • Pros

The creator fund TikTok account helps user holders earn unlimited amounts even without receiving money from advertising contract, does not affect previous engagement of the channel, no need to change channel theme, especially giving you the freedom to cooperate with many brands simultaneously.

  • Cons

The creator fund TikTok account brings in an unstable amount of money, not helping you to gain more followers. This is just an additional source of income for the time being, not the primary source of income for you to make a living.

>>> Read more: Tiktok Accounts For Sale | TikTok Accounts For Sale Cheap 2023

6. How to apply to the creator fund TikTok?

To get a valid TikTok creator fund account, you need to follow exactly the 3 steps that Audiencegain instructs below:

  • Step 1: Have a TikTok Pro account

You must to upgrade your creators fund TikTok account to a “Pro” or business account. To do this, follow these steps: Go to “Settings and Privacy” > Go to the “Account Management” page and tap on “Switch to Business Account” under “Account Control” > Tap “Next” and select a segment or category that matches the TikTok account you’re creating (if you don’t have one, tap “more”) > Finally, select “Next” to complete the transition to a TikTok business account.

  • Step 2: Submit an application

On your business profile page, you can select “Creator Tools” or another version of TikTok, you can access the “Creator Tools” page from the “Settings & Privacy”. Then, review the eligibility requirements for a TikTok creator fund account.

Tap “Next” on the TikTok Creators Fund app page and select your preferred country and currency. When done, select the “I confirm” option and press “Apply” to complete this step.

  • Step 3: Wait for TikTok’s approval

How long TikTok takes to make an official announcement depends on how well your profile aligns with TikTok’s community guidelines. In the event of a refusal, please resubmit your application 30 days from the date of notification. To increase your chances of immediate approval, you should double-check your TikTok account for all eligibility requirements.

7. Buy creator fund TikTok account at Audiencegain

When you buy a creator fund TikTok account at Audiencegain, you won’t need to spend time starting from scratch, just focus on the quality of video content to generate revenue, get about 1 million video views and 10,000 followers from all over the world, make sure there are no 0 views in the original video, the IP address is not on TikTok’s blacklist.

Instructions on how to buy “buy creator fund TikTok account” service at AudienceGain: 

Step 1: Access to buy creator fund TikTok account at AudienceGain homepage.

Step 2: Choose the budget level that meets your requirements. 

Step 3: You select the item to buy now and proceed to the payment operation. 

Step 4: Fill in the correct payment information for the country you are in and the required fields. 

Step 5: Click “Place Order” to complete the purchase.

8. FAQs buy creator fund TikTok account

There are many TikTok channel owners who already have a following of several million and want to join the TikTok Creators Fund but have many doubts. Some common questions such as the 3 questions below:

Is the TikTok Creator Fund worth it?

In general, you should upgrade your creators fund TikTok account. After a period of creating compelling content, your account has stable views and can receive money from the TikTok Creator Fund. However, if you want to increase your revenue, research how to work with brands to make money from promoting their products through

Is there a limit on the number of people participating in the TikTok creator fund?

The TikTok Creator Fund has no limit on the number of participants. As long as your profile meets TikTok’s conditions, you must be 18 years old to have the right to participate in this fund.

How much do you get paid for the TikTok creator fund?

The TikTok Creator Fund pays the same amount for a video that reaches 1000 views regardless of the account’s number of followers. For example, a Tiktoker named Hank Green shared his earnings from the TikTok Creator Fund of $0.02 to $0.04 per 1,000-viewed video.

You can see that the Creator Fund Tiktok brings many benefits to the account holder, including creating an additional source of income. Buy a creator fund TikTok account today at AudienceGain and enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Tiktok Creator Fund.