How to Increase Audience Retention on YouTube?


Do you want to know how to increase audience retention on YouTube for your content on YouTube today? Including the retention rate. Then we elucidate how you can check audience retention for your videos on YouTube. Finally, this section covers absolute and relative audience retention reports in the YouTube Creator Studio.

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What is audience retention?

Succinctly, audience retention on YouTube implies how much of your video your viewers watch. Therefore, it is a measure of how much viewers watch a particular video to completion. In addition, audience retention on YouTube is usually expressed as a percentage. Thus, a rate of 50% implies that viewers get halfway through your video.

Audience retention determines when most viewers skip your video.

Moreover, for YouTube analytics, audience retention is taken as the mean of the retention figures for each viewer for a particular video.

Retention Rate

The audience retention rate is a significant metric because it affects how high your video is ranked on YouTube. Videos with higher retention rates appear higher in the YouTube search results than videos with lower audience retention rates. Moreover, the audience retention rate is a measure of customer satisfaction, an important consideration for both Google and YouTube.

How to check audience retention on YouTube?

Furthermore, you can check for audience retention for your videos in the YouTube Creator Studio. All you need to do is go to Channel Analytics in the Creator Studio and click on Audience Retention. The Creator Studio produces reports to keep track of your audience retention. However, there are two primary types of audience retention reports: absolute and relative audience retention reports.

Absolute Audience Retention Reports

An absolute audience retention report enables users to view a graph of their video’s retention. You can also learn when people might be clicking away and if they are skipping to later parts of your video. For instance, if you lose many viewers in the first 15-20 seconds of your video, you have a poor audience retention rate. It would help if you considered changing your content because your viewers are not satisfied with your content.

Absolute audience retention reports are more valuable than relative ones because they better assess your video’s audience retention.

Relative Audience Retention Reports

However, a relative audience retention report compares your video to the average retention of other similar videos. In this case, similar videos imply videos of the same length. Unfortunately, there is no known way to only compare your videos with videos in the same genre or niche. Therefore, the relative audience retention report will always be skewed as it compares your video to very different content.

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What is a reasonable audience retention rate for YouTube?

It is always an excellent idea to have a goal in mind to increase audience retention on YouTube. Of course, it would be ideal to have an audience retention rate of 100%. However, various factors impact audience retention for your videos on YouTube. For example, the channel size, who’s watching – subscribers or viewers, and content niche significantly affect the audience retention rate.

For instance, some small channels may have fewer views but high audience retention because most subscribers watch the video in question. Likewise, larger channels may get many views but low audience retention because many people skip the video in question before its completion. Therefore, it is essential to not have a fixed audience retention rate in mind but to attempt to increase your audience retention rate for any base point, in general.

Increase Audience Retention 1: Content

The first most crucial factor in increasing audience retention on YouTube is your content and quality of content. Therefore, your content is unequivocally the most significant factor shaping audience retention on YouTube. Consequently, it is imperative to create an exciting hook that gets your viewers attached to the video and an entertaining and informational introduction. Furthermore, it is also vital to have a pertinent body for your video, unique content, and a CTA.

Catchy Hook

Firstly, you must create a catchy hook for your videos to increase audience retention and engagement on YouTube. The hook is what viewers will see and hear as soon as they start playing your video. Therefore, you must ensure that your hook is powerful, intriguing, and strong enough to hook your viewers and leave them wanting more.

Entertaining Intro

Secondly, you should also consider choosing an entertaining introduction to increase audience retention for your videos on YouTube. The introduction should deal with your audience’s primary concerns and needs. Additionally, it should also accurately summarize your video and introduce your main points.

Furthermore, you should also ensure that your introduction is not monotonous and dry. Instead, make it humorous, entertaining, or intriguing to keep your viewers hooked to the entire video. A good intro can unequivocally go a long way for increasing audience retention on YouTube.

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Pertinent Body

Moreover, you should also consider a good body for your video. Before writing the script for a video, you should come up with three to four main points that you will be addressing in your video. It would be best if these main points are based on your audience members’ main concerns, desires, and needs. Your video’s body is what will keep your viewers engaged enough not to skip your videos before completion.

Content Uniqueness

Additionally, content uniqueness is also a significant factor in terms of increasing audience retention on YouTube. This is because viewers will watch your entire video if your content is unique and enticing. Boring, monotonous, and overdone content will not get you far regarding high audience retention on YouTube.


A good CTA can go a long way in increasing audience retention for your YouTube videos.

Finally, it is also imperative to include a call-to-action (CTA) in your video to increase audience retention. Remember that the whole point of your video is to convince your audience members to act, such as subscribing to your channel.

Therefore, including a pertinent CTA helps your viewers quickly identify what they can do to support you or avail of a service or product if they liked your video. Finally, if you produce a video with unique content, the CTA is the last step in increasing audience retention for your YouTube videos.

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Increase Audience Retention 2: Video Chapters

Moreover, another great practice for increasing audience retention for your videos on YouTube is using video chapters in your videos. This is because video chapters make it easier for viewers only to watch that part of your video that they are interested in watching.

Remember to add video chapters to your videos so your viewers can easily view their favorite clips.

Therefore, video chapters provide different audience retention rates for different chapters. This can help you identify what content and which content styles perform the best amongst your audience members. You can then create similar videos or clips to increase your audience retention on YouTube.

Increase Audience Retention 3: Audience Retention Research

Finally, now that you’re aware of increasing audience retention for your videos on YouTube, you should also consider carrying out audience retention research. One great way to do this is to compare your audience retention with similar videos using the relative audience retention reports in the YouTube Creator Studio. Alternatively, you could also look up how to create unique content, including enticing hooks, introductions, bodies, and CTAs.

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To Sum It Up

Conclusively, to increase audience retention for your videos on YouTube, you should first be aware of audience retention. This includes knowing about the audience retention rate, which determines video rankings in the YouTube search results. Then, it would be best if you learned how to check for audience retention on YouTube. You can quickly check audience retention, including absolute and relative audience retention reports in the Channel Analytics tab in the YouTube Creator Studio.

Moreover, we also outline a reasonable audience retention rate for YouTube and introduce content as the first significant factor affecting audience retention on YouTube. Next, we elucidate increasing audience retention on YouTube using an entertaining hook, a good introduction, a pertinent body, and a relevant CTA. Then we cover increasing audience retention for your YouTube videos by using video chapters in your videos.

Finally, the article concludes with a note on audience retention research and its significance in helping increase audience retention for your YouTube videos. However, you can learn more about increasing audience retention on YouTube by signing up for our services. AudienceGain’s experts on YouTube can help guide you by significantly improving your audience retention rates over time for greater reach and impact.

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