Vlogging on Youtube – Handy tips to make money with a camera


How to make money with a camera? In fact, you can become a vlogger on Youtube. Vlog is a pretty big deal. For your information, every day, 5 billions videos are seen on Youtube. Vlogging, with its relatable and unsophisticated format, has been the choice for many new creators to start out their Youtube career.

However, to be a vlogger on Youtube requires a lot of effort and hardwork, especially if you want to gain 4000 Youtube watch time and 1000 subscribers in order to be eligible for monetization.

In the previous article, we have laid out all the necessary steps for you to get started as a vlogger. Now, we will introduce you with more tips to help you further develop your channel and achieve more success on Youtube.

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Tips for planning your vlog content


Tips for planning your vlog content

Understand your audience

Remember, you are trying to get more Youtube view counts to your channel. But since you can’t possibly appeal to every single viewer, you should identify your potential audiences and build your content based on that instead.

To do so, you need to know some basic stuff like your target viewers’ age group, their location, their preference, even the problems that they face.

Knowing those things will benefit your content a great deal. You will then know how to tailor your content to these viewers’ liking. They love it when they feel like your content caters to their needs after all.

Tell stories


Tell stories – vlogging on youtube

Sure, Youtube videos are supposed to be fun, informative, and relevant in order to have more views. But for vlogs, the content must connect with your target audience and inspire them to become regular followers.

For that reason, besides showcasing the researched topics and ideas, you should share your own experiences and stories.

Sharing stories with the audience makes them feel more connected to you because they can see a personal side of you they can relate to in their own lives.

By connecting with the watchers on a more personal level, you can easily build their loyalty, thus gaining more active subscribers for your Youtube channel.

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Add a unique theme or segment to your vlogs

Most vloggers have a recurring ‘thing’ in their vlogs that they are known for or that their viewers love. This can be a unique way to start or end the vlog but it can also be something that you do regularly.

You can consider this thing a trade mark that only your channel has. For example, PewDiePie always opens his videos with the line “How’s it going guy, my name is PewDiePie”.

Another famous Youtube vlogger, Andrew Rea of Binging With Babish channel, usually starts his cooking video with a segment from the movie that contains the dish he is cooking in that video.

Tips for vlog equipment


Tips for vlog equipment

Choose your camera

Aside from great content, the most important thing to create a vlog is a right recording device. A good vlogging camera can go a long way.

Many Youtube vloggers have made videos describing what gear they’re using. Others have made videos about vlogging that don’t point out specific gear, but instead mentioning what’s important to them about their equipment.

To start with, vloggers that regularly film outdoors prefer portability.

On the other hand, vloggers who mainly shoot indoors don’t have to worry about portability and can select cameras which produce high definition video quality.

Our advice is, if you don’t have the budget at first, you can record right on your smartphone or a compact camera. But once you have enough traction from your channel, you should upgrade to a dedicated DSLR or mirrorless camera.

The reason for this lies in the ability to generate better image quality, especially in low-light situations of DSLR and mirrorless cameras compared to compact cameras and smartphones.

Read more: How to start a YouTube channel from scratch?

Don’t forget your gear

When it comes to making videos, you can use accessories along with your cameras to get better footage for your Youtube videos. However, you can easily get lost among the vast array of possible gears.

Therefore, the best way is to stick to the most basic that can get the job done, especially during the initial phase of your channel. Don’t think that you need fancy equipment to get the job done.

Here are the essential gadgets that you need.

  • Microphone: People will still watch mediocre video quality, but no one will stand a video with bad audio. So an external microphone is vital to capture your voice clearly while suppressing background noises.
  • Tripod/Stabilizer: A shaky footage is also a big no. Whether you’re filming at home or outside, a supporter will assist you greatly, especially if you are your own cameraman.
  • Lighting: You need to film your vlog in a well-lit condition. Usually natural light is recommended, but if you have no access to that then you can invest in some professional lights for video (i.e ring light).
  • Backpack: You might need to carry your camera plus all the gears around. If not careful, your fragile equipment can be damaged in the process. A normal backpack will do but we advise you to buy specialized backpacks with compartments that can be customized to fit your gears.

Tips for vlog filming and editing


Tips for vlog filming and editing

Learning filmmaking techniques

It is amatuer to just hold the camera to your face and just shoot. Because of that, using many of the filming techniques, you can make your vlogs look more professional.

You can learn a thing or two from your favorite movies or TV shows. Whenever you see an interesting shot, see it frame by frame and ask yourself how they put the shot together. Pay attention to different types of camera angles and how they edited the video as well.

Moreover, focus on the transition or cuts in those films. A well-edited vlog with cinema qualities will always be attractive and help you stand out among numbers of low effort Youtube videos.

Use the right background music

Background music plays an important role in engaging the viewers to your Youtube vlogs. It elevates the content and allows you to deliver your messages to the audiences more effectively.

One thing however, you need to absolutely avoid copyrighted music, or else your videos will be muted or worse, demonetized. Even worse, after the third strike, you can say goodbye to your Youtube channel as they ban your account. No more making money with a camera!

There are two ways to avoid this. You can either create your own background music to use, or search for royalty free music. Basically it’s a kind of copyright free music that everyone can use without the fear of copyright claim.

Master a few editing tricks

A few video effects make your vlog more entertaining. It doesn’t have to be something super complex, but some easy to do tweaks that can stimulate the engagement further.

You might not be so good at using video editing programs and have other people to do that for you, But we believe it is in your best interest to try and learn some editing tricks just in case.

Just make sure to not go overboard with the effects as they can be annoying when overdone.

Tips for building an audience with your vlog


Tips for building an audience with your vlog

Read more: How to Use Creative Creative Commons YouTube Videos Without Copyright Claims

Be consistent

We cannot stress enough how important it is to regularly posting content on your Youtube channel. In fact, making sure that you are regularly creating and posting content is so important that YouTube actually provides an algorithm to encourage vloggers to post content regularly.

The more consistent your uploading schedule is, the more likely someone is going to view your vlogs, since Youtube will recommend it to more people. Thus more potential Youtube subscribers for your channel.

You should post your video at least once a week, even better if you can do so several times weekly. Daily however is not recommended.

Be credible

Once you’ve started to have an audience base and make money on Youtube, your loyal subscribers will care about every word you say. They are going to do whatever you are telling them to do or whatever you are doing.

Many vloggers will seize this opportunity and collaborate with brands to promote their products on the channels. Coming to that point is one of the best things to any Youtubers, but what’s more important is your credibility.

Remember, you should check the brands that you will work with to make sure that they are authentic and trustworthy. You really don’t want to advertise suspicious or low quality products on your channel.

This applies to your content as well. Always double check any information you’re about to put in your vlog. In the time when misinformation and fake news is rampant, letting the viewers find out a wrong detail in your video will hurt your brand immensely.

Engage your audience

Let say you were subscribed to two Youtube channels.

One always actively interacts with fans by liking and replying to their comments, setting up polls on the community post or asking for their opinion at the end of each video.

The other is far less active and disregards his/her viewers most of the time.

The question is, who would you prefer? Who would you be more likely to watch first if they released a video at the same time?

Now look at it from your standpoint and you will know why audience engagement is important.

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At this point, we hope the tips on how to make money with a camera through vlogging will come in handy on your way to become a vlogger. If not, don’t worry, try other “Youtube niches“.

Of course, the journey will be full of challenges, but with AudienceGain, it can be much easier. So don’t hesitate and sign up to know more about developing and growing your Youtube channel among other things!

For more information, please contact AudienceGain via:

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