How much is your Youtube channel worth?


How much is your Youtube channel worth? The answer is, only you can give it a price! All the consequences while making money on Youtube behind this pricing valuation depend on your targeted audience and the profit-sharing negotiation between you and the Youtube platform itself.

Now, let’s talk about the most famous Youtube star in the world – PewDiepie. Have you ever wondered how much his channel is worth? Well, the Swedish guy has never clearly published how much he makes on Youtube but it can be an unimaginable number that you never have never thought of.

Read more: Buy YouTube Watch Time Hours For Monetization


Pewdiepie takes a break from the video-sharing site

In 2019, Forbes estimated that PewDiePie had an income of $13 million. However, not long after that, the YouTuber bluntly said that Forbes valued him too low. PewDiePie said the amount he earns in 2019 is much higher than this $ 13 million figure.

Indeed, Pew doesn’t just make money on Youtube only. To be more detailed, he can earn well from his merchandise, which is about 42.75 million per month and that figure for affiliate marketing and brand deals is $500K.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Physical value is not the only factor that determines the price of a YouTube channel.

Indeed, throughout nearly 10 years of his career, Pew is a prominent creator who has left many marks in Youtube content establishment. But in mid-2019, Pew announced his retirement and took a break from this video-sharing platform.

PewDiePie’s announcement to stop working on YouTube also points to a very common problem among content creators: worn-out, bored, and exhausted of constantly coming up with ideas.


The invisible pressure of Youtube creators

This situation is especially severe among popular content creators, who are always under pressure to create content that is compelling enough to retain their viewers. Although this is a job that can bring very high income the heavy workload, pressure and exhaustion have caused many YouTubers to quit.

So from now on, how can you prevent yourself from being burnt-out while figuring out how much your Youtube channels really worth?

Read more: Buy YouTube Monetization For Sale

Tips: The tool to keep track of the cash inflow


Youtube Analytics tool – Estimated revenue

After you make sure that you have successfully linked your channel to Google Adsense account, you will be able to see how much money you make on Youtube, because the data is only visible from Adsense.

Too see your estimated earnings:

  • Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  • In the left menu, select Analysis data.
  • On the top menu, select Revenue.

The amount shown in “Total estimated income” section is exactly how much you earn. Remember to select the “time period” to know the exact amount of money within a certain period (7 days or 30 days,…)

In this statistics section, you can see specifically how much money the videos are making by selecting the Estimated earnings section under the Revenue report.

Keep in mind that “the Ad performance” section is only the highest estimated statistics that you can achieve if the advertising performance is 100%.

Last but not least, Youtube report of estimated total income is delayed 2 days (due to time-zone difference and continuous statistics update from Google all over the world).

Several crazy ideas to make money on Youtube

Here are several methods to make money on Youtube that you may have never thought of.

Read more: YouTube ads on non monetized videos

Make money from Youtube Shorts

As we mentioned in our previous article of Youtube Shorts, we have emphasized that if a certain video is watched as a Youtube short video, it earns no revenue. Nevertheless, the benefits of this activity are still significantly enough for you to put in effort.


Indirect money flow from Youtube Shorts

First, Youtube’s algorithm has always prioritized long-duration videos over super-short duration ones. But since Youtube Short is in beta, the algorithm started to have some preference for 15s and 60s videos.

So to say, if you combine the production of normal videos plus vertical videos, they will most likely be suggested in the Short section of Youtube itself.

When being recommended, there is a high chance that regular videos will achieve a significant increase in views. Youtube’s search code prioritizes the number of videos in your channel, so your channel has many short videos in the form of Youtube Shorts that will have a larger presence on the search engine.

However, due to this convenience, Youtube Short only gives an immediate good performance in increasing views and subscribers.


  • 15-60 seconds in length
  • 9:16 vertical video (1080 × 1920 resolution for example).
  • Have a #Shorts phrase in the name (tittle) or video description (description)
  • No custom thumbnail included (yet)

Take a note on Youtube shorts

Currently, while tracking your video’s views in Youtube Analytics, the interface does not clearly distinguish the source of views coming from the vertical short videos or the regular ones.

Besides, while doing Shorts, you still need to comply with image and sound copyright policies from Youtube’s terms of service.

Monetization Features to make money from Youtube

According to YouTube, thousands of channels have doubled in revenue since they opened thanks to Merchandise shelf, Super Chat and Channel Memberships.


Super Chat & Super Stickers

In 2019, YouTube announced the launch of more solutions for authors to earn more revenue. They expanded some of the available options with new features, while introducing many new products like Super Chat & Stickers and Learning Playlists.

Launched in 2017, Super Chat & Stickers allows fans to pay for their messages to stand out during an author’s live broadcast. YouTube says Super Chat is the No. 1 source of revenue for nearly 20,000 channels. More than 90,000 channels have used Super Chat so far, as well as some making more than 400 USD/minute.


Merchandise shelf

YouTube also announced that there are some more partners using the Merch shelf feature, allowing the author to sell items such as T-shirts, hats, phone cases … YouTube only takes very small commissions on sales.

As for the old Channel Memberships tool, YouTube introduced a new change to members, which is price-ranking. For each level, the author sets 5 different prices, each with its own perks. The feature is being tested with selected authors and shows positive results as revenue from this source increases by up to 6 times.

Web TV series – a high budget method to make money on Youtube


Tasty’s Web TV series – Make it big

Since it’s like a TV shows. You are making something for viewers to binge-watch and stay engaged. If you’re have a strong financial status and great support from your family and friend, what about making something “brand new”?

You love telling stories and want to take your vlog videos to the next level? Well, YouTube allows you to create a TV series based on your favorite genre. However, YouTube limits your total device usage time to 15 minutes per episode, so keep the amount consistent with it.

On the one hand, if you’re an expert in the comedy genre, create TV shows based on your sense of humour to bring laughter to your audience and build a force of loyal fans.

In case you’re struggling with script writing, gathering a group of friends will help easily processing the video production.

Read more: How to get community tab on YouTube

Social skills

Social skills are never out of date. People who grow and develop any career always need knowledge. This old-but-gold content would be a great option when you’re considering which niches you should stick with.


Social skills Youtube videos

Suppose that job application skills are a topic of interest among the fresh graduate. Your videos will always have a steady stream of views over time. Say, for about 400 thousand students graduating each year, and thanks to the cutting-edge Internet search tools, they would probably search for subjects like “How to give a good first impression with the employers” or “Tips for creating impressive CV”.

Communication skill is also ideal to talk about, since it is a multi-faceted skill that is very worthy of time and development. There are countless ways to use what you learn to improve your effectiveness and ability to build strong relationships.

Nevertheless, social-skill channels are different from the News ones, so you would struggle to break through straight away, but it achieves a stable amount of views in a very long time. On the contrary, with News channels, after a certain event is no longer top-trending or viral, the number of views also drops sharply.

Rarely-thought-of knowledge


Rarely-thought-of idea contents

Knowledge is really vast, from the mysterious universe, health to the insight of science, chemistry, physics, computer, AI … The problem is how erudite you are to dig in deeper in a certain topic. If not, well then it depends on your Google search skills.

Here’s the thing. Of all the things you go through, the people you encounter, have you ever wondered how on earth everything around you function? Why is there a small hole on the bottom edge of the airplane window? What if you don’t blink within 30 days? Where is the most dangerous place in the world? Or even how’s your daily life as an ant? And so much more.

There are many YouTube channels that have monetized successfully from their innovative channel thanks to the obvious knowledge that people hardly pay attention to find the answer. However, most of the behind-the-scenes crew are those with specialized experience working for a long time, in addition to the images and video-producing team.

Even though there are many channels focusing on this segment, that does not mean that they have exploited all the related content. There is still a lot of interesting content waiting for you.

Related articles: Things you need to know about Youtube Copyright Policies

Well then, what do you think? Is the value of your Youtube channel just limited to a few digits?

To reap your Youtube success, remember that you are the only individual who has total control over what you want to deliberately deliver to the video-sharing community. As a consequence, the audience will be the judge that gives you the exact answer.

So to say, AudienceGain is a Social Media Marketing company which dedicates to support content creators to develop and promote their videos, brands and products across social platforms, especially Facebook and Youtube.

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