How to successfully appeal to YouTube?

How to successfully YouTube appeal text? Wake up tomorrow morning, suddenly you realize your monetized YouTube channel is dead. You are shocked at what to do. This article will give you an overview of the appeal to YouTube!

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YouTube Community Guidelines

YouTubYouTube-Community-Violation-how-to-successfully-appeal-to-youtubee Community violations

YouTube Community violations

You should note that YouTube prohibits the channel from posting video content similar to the following:

  • Content that is manipulative or deceptive: content that is repeated too many times without any benefit. Even though promised to visitors but switched to another website. They promise viewers or lead the audience to a black website or malware that many people lose personal information.
  • Misleading thumbnail images or metadata: you can present thumbnail images different from video content to deceive people
  • Distorted media content: You may have used techniques that mislead your audience and have a very serious impact.
  • The content is aimed at deception: maybe you can seduce the audience by offering the get-rich-quick models or cash donation, …
  • Content that hinders voters: you deceive about the time, methods of voting, defect or request for voting.
  • Content that claims false political candidates
  • Content inciting acts that hinder democratic processes or interrupt voting
  • Content containing stolen material
  • Content obstructing the census
  • Content that entices comments with cash gifts
  • A channel with a large number of comments that are repeated many times for a specific purpose
  • Take advantage of live events

You are allowed to encourage or call comments or subscribe to channels in the video but limit too much repetition like spam.

When you first violate community rules, you won’t receive any punishment, only be reminded.

But after being warned three times and still committing a community rule violation, you will be permanently locked out of your channel.

Maybe your channel is warned by YouTube for piracy or spam.

But you should also know how to appeal to YouTube, these appeal templates are suitable and the appeal address to help the channel quickly get out of the scene oil boiling water now.

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The reason you are locked out of the channel


YouTube scans

You may not know it, but it’s not all of a sudden that your channel dies. There is or that type of copyright claim is YouTube scan and “manually detect”.

The reason for the death of a monetized YouTube channel by YouTube scan often makes it harder for you to breathe and is more difficult to successfully appeal than “manual detection”.

In the complaint section, there will usually be 3 basic parts:

  • Type 1 complaint includes both video and audio
  • Type of complaint 2 only sounds
  • Type 3 only images

Often you may have a partial or full video complaint. In the case of “manual detection” by someone seeing you slip out of YouTube’s scan and someone jealous will complain to you.

If you are killed by re-uploading another video to the copyright, you can have two solutions that are to delete the uploaded video so as not to make money for the copyright owner. The second way is to appeal to Youtube.

Normally, no one is 100% sure of the appeal success rate. If you failed the first appeal to YouTube, you can appeal to YouTube for the second time but be more careful.

Because when you appeal for the third time, you have to send an email directly to YouTube so they can handle your case. YouTube will forward the application to the copyright holder to see how to process and respond.

Within 14 days of YouTube transferring the petition and the copyright appellant does not respond, your video will automatically be back to normal.

Or to put it in a way that it was the third appeal, YouTube just played an intermediary role. Copyright appellants should provide proof of the original video or use a copyrighted video.

If they don’t, YTB will reinstate the channel for you. But one thing you need to keep in mind is that even if you successfully appeal the 3rd time, the video also because it has been deleted so it is no longer realtime.

It can be said that you will lose all your YouTube watch time or views, comments on the video that have been deleted.

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Successful circumstances appeal to YouTube


Successful circumstances

You may not know if you want to successfully appeal to YouTube then need to know what you are appealing for and who the copyright holder is.

This is usually you need to check before re-uploading the video or borrowing material from other videos.

If you know who holds the copyright and the appellant accepts it, then you will successfully appeal to YouTube.

If your video has its logo or logo, then copyright appeal parties often find it extremely difficult to find the original video if a third appeal occurs.

If you are smart, you should apply for copyright or use another 5 to 10 seconds of video as a document under the Fair Use law of the United States that YouTube is applying.

At the same time, you should also insert your logo or symbols for your monetized YouTube channel to confirm that you are not pirating.

In addition to the two cases that you need to consider above, there is one more case you should note that you will successfully appeal if your video is compiled from multiple sources and merged in many places.

If your protester tells you to copy the video copyright, then they lose and you win.

If in the appeal letter they say you copy a video, you should watch carefully everything to see if you are eligible to successfully appeal to YouTube.

The fourth case that can be successfully resisted is that you take the name of the company or representative to appeal as well as accompanied by a moderate threat of bringing the appellant to court to resolve if they sue without reason.

You should note that if they appeal to the copyright of a movie, do you need to determine whether you are personally, in public, or services?

If the video you posted is not a corporate team and the owner is unknown, appeal in the public domain.

You may also be locked out of a monetized YouTube channel because some of the copyrighted videos are too strong to be scanned by YTB, but this case is very rare.

If you are mistakenly scanned by YTB, you should use an appeal with “My use of content that meets legal requirements for legitimate use or valid transaction under applicable copyright policy.”

The meaning of the above sentence is that you are copyrighted.

Most of the time, if you fail the first time, then the second time should be careful because if you fail again, the video may be deleted and the channel will be suspended for 6 months.

Many people have the same tags and tags of some strong channels also easily collapsed. Successful YouTube appellants are often extremely patient and will never admit errors about them if the video is 100% made by them.

Read more: How To Fix Your Videos On YouTube With 0 Views?

Some note to successfully appeal to YouTube

You will never have a successful appeal to YouTube if you only have 1 or 2 emails with Google.

In the event of a dead canal from 6 months to 1 year, it can still be saved if you know how to revive it.

Here are some email addresses that you need to know to appeal to the YouTube persistent process when a monetized YouTube channel has a locked case.

The emails help you successfully appeal to YouTube


You will receive this email from Youtube

You can consult some email addresses to help you appeal to YouTube successfully:

  • Email for general support related to parter:
  • Email helps you to contact directly (you need a new code to send):
  • Email to help you answer legal issues (typically disputes, toggling monetization on and off):
  • Email helps you to support qualified channels, 100,000 90-day-old channel subscribers over 15,000 hours of viewing:
  • Email to help you with account support:
  • Email for you with email related issues as well as other matters are:

The email appeal that you should refer to has the following basic format:


Please help me, my YouTube account has been locked and permanently suspended, every day passing by I have never posted any copied videos at all. But unexpectedly my monetized YouTube channel was suspended. Surely your side has been a bit confused because the resolution of the video I posted is a bit fuzzy, so the mistake is to copy the copyright from someone else. I look forward to hearing from you soon and please help me reopen my monetized YouTube channels.

Thanks, your team. ”

This small letter not only talks about the problem you have but also highlights the cause of misunderstanding about the suspension of monetized YouTube channels.

In case you are violated by community guidelines including spam, misleading metadata, deceptive thumbnail images, or blackmail, you can use this link to ask for support:

After you have been demonetized YouTube channel, go to your mail and appeal to Youtube through this link: …

In the section “email address you use to sign in to your Google Account ” as well as the“ Email address we can use to contact you ”section to enter your channel’s mail.

In the reason section, do not hesitate to assert your sincerity in not intentionally violating YouTube’s community principles.

Besides, please make sure that you will not do it again next time and want to do your best to build a sustainable YouTube.

You should also note that if you leave your country in the settings, you should write in that language when making your appeal. The title you can use is “About unsuspended YouTube Account”.

After writing your letter, you can send it directly to the following email:,,

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Final thoughts

After this article, have you gradually grasped all the issues that you have to deal with to successfully appeal to YouTube? Perhaps you have the overview and confidence to save the death of a monetized YouTube channel.

If you need a companion, don’t hesitate to choose In case your channel is not viable, don’t worry, you will have a new route to go.

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